Working Hours

Monday-Friday 9:00 – 19:00
Saturday 9:00 – 19:00


You can get your appointments by filling out our contact form, calling us or on our WhatsApp line.

Contact Number

+90 546 977 08 33

Our expert team is at your service.

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Upper and Lower Eyelid Aesthetics

When the upper eyelid is done alone, it is usually performed under local anesthesia. In the operation, the skin, muscle and fat bags that cause sagging are removed. The incision coincides with the upper eyelid fold, so there is a scar close to zero. The process takes 30 minutes. There is no need to stay in the hospital. Vision is not affected since dressing is made with small bands. Swelling and bruising disappear completely in 1 week. full recovery is 4-5 days. 1-2 months are required for the final result. If there is low eyebrow, sometimes eyebrow lift should be added. Otherwise, the stacking on the eyelids continues. In this case, either temple stretching or a rope eyebrow suspension should be added.

General anesthesia is required for the lower eyelid. In this process, the incision may be under the eyelashes or sometimes from the inside, from the conjunctiva. In some cases, it may be necessary to combine fat deposition, fat injection or mid-facelift to fill the tear groove deformity in the same surgery. In this way, the length of the six eyelids is shortened and the negative vector is converted into a positive vector. swelling and bruises pass in 2-3 weeks. The operation takes 1 hour.

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